Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, here's the latest.......

Mikayla and Madelyn recently had their birthdays. Mikayla turned 3yrs on May 31st, and Mady 1yr on June 10th. Jeffs mom flew up from GA, and we had a big birthday party for them. It was a lot of fun.

My parents recently bought a truck and 5th wheel. So, the girls and I have been doing a lot of "camping." We've gone all over WA with my mom. It has been quite fun. We recently returned from a trip to Ocean shores (where the pictures were taken). The kids had so much fun. We got to take the truck out onto the beach. While we were there, there was a kite festival going on, and the girls got to fly their own kites, which was a blast. Mikayla had the most fun with it. She got so good at it by the end of the day, that she was getting her kite up in the air all by herself.

In July our family took a trip to AZ to visit Jeffs Dad and two sisters, and their familes. We were in AZ for only a few days, then drove down to Redondo Beach, CA. We spent the 4th on the beach. It was a great experience.

Jeff and I have recently made the decision to move to Arizona. We plan on being there sometime in November. We will be buying our first home there. We've been on the Internet everyday looking for homes. We're working with a great realtor, and Jeffs dad has the task of going to the properties, and checking them out for us. I am really excited to be moving out there.

We're all doing wonderful! There will be more to come! Sorry for slacking.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Been A While!!!

Hello Everyone! My apologies for not keeping up with the blog. Life has been crazy. Here are the updates!

Madelyn "Mady"
Mady is turning 1 on June 10th!!! It's hard to believe my little baby is going into the toddler stages. Bitter sweet. She is walking, eating table foods, throwing tantrums! She is absolutely gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cute dimples when she smiles. Everywhere we go, people have to stop us to let us know how much she looks like her DAD! Nice, I do ALL the work, and he gets ALL the credit!

Mikayla "LaLa"
LaLa turned 3 on May 31st. The "Double the Trouble, Double the Fun, Birthday Party for Mikayla turning 3, and Madelyn turning 1" is this Saturday! Mikayla is still our little goofball. Our lives would not have as much laughter without her. She has been referring to everything as her "tiny" something. "Am I going to ride in My Tiny car seat?" "Am I gonna sleep in My Tiny bed?" "Is this My Tiny snack?"
She's a real daredevil, in case you haven't notice (the stitches scar on her eyelid, and nose). She likes to do flips off the couch, ride quads, and "POP A WHEELIE" with our friends Paul and Courtney. She begs for rides on her Uncle Levi's go-carts. She's only 3, and she's already "Livin' on the Edge."

Makynna "Boogie, or Maky"
Maky (who turned 4 January 21st) is finishing her last week of Preschool. We had a fun field trip to the Zoo yesterday. She has been learning to spell her name, which she can now do! She's quite the little artist. She's great at drawing stick figures, and and suns. Feel free to check out the murals on the walls, anytime!
She has one more year of preschool in the Fall, then it's off to kindergarten. SCARY! There's no way she'll be five next year! I just gave birth to her, right?!!?

Me and Jeff (in case anyone cares to know!!!)
We'll be celebrating our 5 year anniversary on July 24th. Seems like we've been married A LOT LONGER! Hahaha! I have been more than lucky enough to stay home with my darling girls. That's been my main focus lately.
Jeff has been hard at work. Still working for the same concrete company. He has really been focusing on golf again. For some of you who didn't know, Jeff used to be very involved in golf. After a recent trip to AZ to visit his Dads side of the family, his brother in-law Corey got him back into golfing. Which has been great! He loves it, and I love that he loves it. It's really a win-win for us. If ya know what I mean?!!? Heeheehee!

Well, that's the update on us in a REALLY big nutshell!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

About Time For An UPDATE!!!!

Hello. Sorry, it has been a while! I am SUPER busy with a CRAWLING baby! Yes, I said CRAWLING!!! Mady has mastered it over the weekend. She is into EVERYTHING now. Her two favorite things to do right now, is get in to the dog food. She likes to grab a HUGE handful, and cram it all into her mouth...YUK! She also likes the door stoppers. She like the DOING! DOING! DOING! Aaaaah! She is eating all kinds of baby food now, and some table foods. I think her favorite things are chopped bananas, and squash. The only two things she devours. She has been my easiest baby so far. She goes to bed in her own crib, with no fight! She really only cries if she's poopie, or hungry. She's just a little LOVE BUG! Still a MAJOR thumbsucker. She has always got that thing in her mouth. In fact, she tries to crawl with it in her mouth. It's quite comical to watch her get frustrated with she makes a complete nose dive into the carpet because she goes into the crawl position with her thumb in her mouth.

Makynna is in preschool now! She's getting so big! Bitter sweet. Her first week of school was horrible. She cried because she didn't want to go. I felt terrible leaving her. But now, she can't wait to go, and she cries when I pick her up!!! Her teacher's great. Makynna is learning to spell her name, and is doing a great job at it! I didn't know she was capable. She has quite a few friends in her class now. But there are a few that she refers to as "Meanies." Right now we're trying to conquer her fear of the MONSTER that lives upstairs in her playroom! We have tried EVERYTHING from "magical wands," to "monster spray..." But nothing is working. Any suggestions?!!?

With Maky in school, it has given me a couple of hours to spend some quality time with Mikayla. She is quite different without her older sister around. It is fun to see HER personality pop out. She is my little ham! She has created this goofy little ATTITUDE! She likes to put her hands on her hip, and roll her eyes. She's a great little helper too. She likes to help me fold my clothes, which actually adds about 15min to the laundry. But, at least she is trying!

For me, life has been just perfect. It really has! I can't really complain about ANYTHING! I love my husband, I have three wonderfully PERFECT little girls, and a GREAT brother, who helps me out around my house TREMENDOUSLY!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Makynna's 4 Years Old!!!

My baby just had her 4th birthday on the 22nd. We had a small family/close friends party for her. The spoiled kid got a ton of toys!!! I asked an old friend from elementary school to make Maky a customized b-day cake. We sent her a picture of the Yorkie (toy) puppy that we got her, and she did a great replica!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Wow whatta week! We returned home Monday. My darn dryer was on the fritz when we left, and then the stupid washer went when we got home. With three kids, that's baaaad! Jeff tells me to go up to the laundry mat until we get a new one. YEAH RIGHT!!! Hahaha. Fortunately, we found a great deal on a new set.

On Tuesday, I was going to walk out the back door, when I felt a DRIP on my ARM! I looked up. A HUGE bubble was forming on the ceiling. In the end, the ceiling was leaking from five separate locations (all in the same area)!!! Now it looks all trashy, with holes cut in the Sheetrock.

Man, this WA flooding is something else. We haven't been effected directly, but our neighbors in Pacific sure have! Gosh, it's hard to believe that a mile down our road is completely under water! Prayers to ya!

How long is Jet Lag suppose to last? MAN! I still feel like a Zombie. My head feels all fuzzy, and I am sooooo tired. The girls are on a new schedule, which is nice, and sucks at the same time. They're all usually in bed before 8:30pm, which gives me a couple of hours in the evening to relax. But then, it's up at 5:30am! I guess it gives me time to do a quick Wii Workout, which by the way, I have LOST 6lbs! Which only gives me about 18 more lbs to lose!!! Hahaha. If you have, or know anyone who has a treadmill, or elliptical for sale, gimme a call! Seriously!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas & Vacation Pictures


Gulf Shores, Alabama

We just got back to Pats house after a three day trip to Alabama's Gulf Shores. We stayed at Pats friends condo. It was so nice. We enjoyed the sun, and the sandy beach, along with the WARM ocean waters. It was more like summer than winter. The girls had a BLAST on the beach. I think it's their favorite place to go. We collected shells for hours. Mady even enjoyed putting her toes in the sand, for the first time.


We ate at the neatest restaurant, Lamberts, Throwed Rolls. If you want a giant dinner roll, you better be a good catcher. I learned that the hard way. The kid behind me could catch his roll, and I got pegged on the shoulder. It kinda hurt! LOL. You order off of the menu, and then waiters go by with a giant bowl of side dishes, and you get as much of whatever as you want. It was awesome. We left sick!

One night we went to a restaurant on the beach called, Bahama Bob's. More good eating. I had the Ma hi Ma hi. Delicious! Although it was a little cold. We sat on the outdoor balcony. We wanted to eat at Jimmy Buffets sisters restaurant, called, LuLu's. But it was cold. Pat and I got to go check it out though. It was so awesome. Yachts can just dock right there, and grab a bite, you can eat on the sand. It was just really cool.

We spent some time at Fort Morgan, which was pretty neat. When you pull into the parking lot, all you see is a brick tunnel, a few feet away is an entire city (or so it seems). It was HUGE! I got a few pictures.